Friday, August 26, 2016

First Day of 3 Year Old Preschool 2016-17

We had a great first day of 3 year old preschool. Some activities that we did were..
*table time toys
*read "If You Take A Mouse To School" 
*each child took a "first day of preschool" picture
 *played in centers for an hour and during this time Mrs. Brandy did paint dauber letters with the letter of the child's first name
*played on the playground outside
*had snack
*talked about classroom/school rules and sorted pictures under happy/sad faces

--Reminder: Please label your child's backpack with a marker, this helps us out a lot!--

Here are some pictures from our first day of 3 year old preschool..enjoy! =)
                                                                    AM Class Pictures
building with magnets

table toys

1st activity of the year! paint daubers with the first letter of their names

playing in the kitchen

playing with cars

he loves music :)

train table and blocks fun

the girls wanted to color 

stacking blocks :)

outside fun

first snack time of the year!

reading books after snack

almost ready to go home!
The good and bad behaviors we sorted as a class

PM Class
playing with the cars

kitchen fun

paint daubers for letter of their name

the newest band in town

sand table fun outside

snack time!

learning some songs before they go home