Friday, November 11, 2016

~*November Happenings*~

November is flying by! One thing we have been focusing on is recognizing our names, this is a very important skill and is something you can be working on at home if your child doesn't know recognize their name yet (show 3 names and have your child recognize. To make it harder, show 2 names that start with the same letter and the third name with a different letter). We have also been practicing on tracing our names and will start tracing and writing our names next week. 
Our rhyming house has been the bug house with the words "bug, mug, jug, hug, plug, rug."
We are still working on characters and setting. We have started working some on sequencing events in a story, but this is a harder concept. 
Thank you to all who have donated loose change for our classroom to buy books. The students that brought loose change enjoyed putting it in our change jar! 
Reminder of conferences on November 16th and 21st. Sign up is available at
Monday the 21st will be a 1:00 dismiss (AM 8:10-10:10 and PM 11:00-1:00)
Thanksgiving break begins November 23rd.
Enjoy the pictures below!

paint dauber Bb

Students enjoy feeding the fish

painting and stamping leaves on their trees

working on counting and name recognition

playing a shape matching and color game

being a repairman

recognizing her name

putting change in our jar

working on tracing their names

 the students learned how to sing happy birthday in sign language

paint dauber P for pumpkin

working on counting

lego indian corn paint stamping

working on our number recognition

more change for our jar!

showing off their structure

delivering her items from home to our maker space room 

more money!