Thursday, September 15, 2016

~*September Happenings*~

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks of activities we have been doing in the classroom. Enjoy!
We have been doing a lot of fun activities and started learning about apples. We have started our social stories and this month is about our brain (where we think our thoughts) and our heart (our feelings keeper). 
Reminder: next week is homecoming. Our dress up days are:
Monday 19th - wild/crazy hair day
Tuesday 20th - safari day (animal print/camouflage)
Thursday 22nd - pajama day 
Animal sorting

Magnet building

Shape sorting

Playing with animals outside

Fun in the house


Lego building

Turn taking with blocks

Drawing on the whiteboards 


All About Me

Working together with the measuring tape

Paint dauber names

Baking cupcakes

Parachute & balls fun

Coloring their apple books

Our class fish