Thursday, December 1, 2016

November Part 2

November has flown by! Here are some pictures from the second part of November. Thank you for attending conferences, I had a great turn out! It's great to be a part of their education and learn about what they're doing and learning in preschool. 
*Keep working on that name recognition and tracing/writing names
*Our rhyming house for December will be the "stop" house (stop, top, pop, mop, hop, chop)

Enjoy the pictures below :) 

Wrote their names all by themselves!

Making name turkeys 

AM coloring contest winners for the book fair

Handprint turkeys

PM class coloring contest winners for the book fair

Coloring and spraying their turkey feathers

Enjoying the new crash cushion!

The kids enjoyed eating their lunch at school =)

Pajama party day!

Making a book

AM class enjoying their ice cream and pajama party for the loose change contest.

Where is Turkey? book

PM class enjoying their ice cream party

Painting their own pictures

Fingerprint Christmas lights

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